
What is OpenAI GPT-3 Playground

OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.

OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI)—by which we mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work—benefits all of humanity.

We will attempt to directly build safe and beneficial AGI, but will also consider our mission fulfilled if our work aids others to achieve this outcome.

Improving the Factual Accuracy of Language Models through Web Browsing

We’ve fine-tuned GPT-3 to more accurately answer open-ended questions using a text-based web browser. 

Our prototype copies how humans research answers to questions online—it submits search queries, follows links, and scrolls up and down web pages. 

It is trained to cite its sources, which makes it easier to give feedback to improve factual accuracy. 

We’re excited about developing more truthful AI,1 but challenges remain, such as coping with unfamiliar types of questions.

Language models like GPT-3 are useful for many different tasks, but have a tendency to “hallucinate” information when performing tasks requiring obscure real-world knowledge. 

To address this, we taught GPT-3 to use a text-based web-browser. The model is provided with an open-ended question and a summary of the browser state, and must issue commands such as “Search ...”, “Find in page: ...” or “Quote: …”. In this way, the model collects passages from web pages, and then uses these to compose an answer.

The model is fine-tuned from GPT-3 using the same general methods we’ve used previously. We begin by training the model to copy human demonstrations, which gives it the ability to use the text-based browser to answer questions. 

Then we improve the helpfulness and accuracy of the model’s answers, by training a reward model to predict human preferences, and optimizing against it using either reinforcement learning or rejection sampling.
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